How to extract many small files out of a long sound file
Mietta Lennes
These instructions should help you to extract loads of small sound files from a long sound file - relatively painlessly.
Result: you will get either sound files named with running index numbers or files with special labels. (The latter option is easy to handle if you have a list of the words or sentences that the speaker has read aloud.)
Requirements: you should open the long sound file in Praat
as a LongSound object.- Mark the boundaries of the intervals that you want to extract into a TextGrid object. One IntervalTier is enough.
(Select the LongSound object in the object list. Create a TextGrid object for it by pressing the To TextGrid... button to the right.)
- You may find the script mark_pauses.praat
helpful. This script looks for quiet regions in the LongSound on the basis
of an intensity analysis, and marks them as pauses according to the criteria
you define (upper limit for intensity, minimum duration of the quiet region).
If the pause parameters are conveniently defined and if the recording is
of sufficiently good quality, this script may be able to segment the utterances
quite well and save you hours of work. You should test the criteria in advance
and try to find the most suitable ones. However, the script is rather slow
- be prepared to take a coffee break...
- a) If you do not know precisely what the contents of each interval
are (e.g., the list of words read by the speaker), but you wish to keep this
information in the file names (see 4 b below), you should simply listen and
type the file names to the intervals in the TextGrid.
b) If you happen to have a text file that contains, e.g., the sentences
read by the speaker (one sentence per line), you can use the script label_from_text_file.praat
, which reads the text file line by line and adds the text to the intervals
marked in the TextGrid. Note: if every other interval is a pause, you must
add empty lines to the text file (or, alternatively, mark all pauses with
'xxx' in the TextGrid. The mark_pauses.praat script can do this for you).
If you like to make things very semi-automatic: In case the intervals
you marked do not fully correspond to the text file (e.g., the speaker has
repeated or mispronounced some sentences), it is a good thing to check from
the TextGrid, where exactly the labeling starts to go wrong. Then, you can
edit the text file or the boundaries in the TextGrid accordingly, and run
the label-script again. If this happens often, you can use the faster version
of the script: label_quickly_from_text_file.praat
(you have to edit the text file path directly to the script file). You
could even create a button for the script to the Object list. This way, you
will only have to press one single button to update the new labels to the
c) If you do not care about the file names or saving some special
labels, just type anything (even just one character) to each interval that
you want saved. Leave those intervals empty that you do not want to save.
(You can also skip the typing, if you really want to save all intervals,
including pauses etc.)
- Save the TextGrid, just in case. (You may also find it useful for other purposes.)
- Select the original LongSound object and the TextGrid object together.
a) If you want the small files to be named with a running index number
(and the file extension .aiff- or .wav), run the Praat script save_intervals_to_wav_sound_files.praat
(makes WAV files), or alternatively save_intervals_to_aiff_sound_files.praat
(makes AIFF files). You can even give affixes to the file names (e.g., a certain prefix for a certain speaker's files).
b) If you want the small files to be named after the correponding
segment labels in the TextGrid: use the Praat script save_labeled_intervals_to_wav_sound_files.praat
(makes WAV files) or save_labeled_intervals_to_aiff_sound_files.praat
(makes AIFF files). You can even give affixes to the file names (e.g., a
certain prefix for a certain speaker's files). If there are several intervals
with an identical label string, these files will receive an additional running
index number to prevent overwriting. However, you have to make sure that the interval labels do not contain illegal characters or excessively long strings.